My parents, T, and I are all going out of town this weekend to visit family. My grandma (my mom's mom) turned 80 the other day so we're going up to have a big family party at my aunt's house. My grandma is insisting that T and I sleep in the basement with my cousins (and all their significant others) which will probably be awkward. We used to sleep there when I was, oh I don't know, EIGHT? I'm now 25 and all my cousins are in that range. T's a little nervous about that particular adventure. So in one house with 4 bedrooms and 2 1/2 (or possibly 2 3/4) bathrooms, there will be 1 grandma, 3 daughters, their 3 husbands, 7 grandchildren (maybe only 6), their 6 husbands/boyfriends, and 5 little great-grandchildren. That probably isn't as big as some families but it's big enough for this little only child.
My dad wanted to extend the trip a little and visit his parents for one day. These are the grandparents who said "Oh honey, you better think about that!" when they found out that T was five years younger than me. Joy! So instead of leaving early Saturday, we're leaving early (EARLY) Friday. T is so afraid my dad is going to ask him about politics or something. They have severely differing views. My dad has 5 hours in a car to talk about it, but I think he'll be too engrossed in his talk radio to ask T anything. I'm sure politics will come up at some point with someone's family as they always do, but my mom and I always manage to stay out of the conversation. I'm sure T will be able to do the same.
I'm actually excited about this weekend, but what I'm not excited about are the preparations. I should've done the rest of my laundry early this week, but of course, I let everything else get in the way because I hate hanging my clothes up after they've been washed. To make matters worse, my roommate called last night and said "The washer is leaking water all over. It looks like there is a pipe or something just sitting on the floor." My dad doesn't have time to come put it back together and I'm afraid to (Spiders!), so I'm going to my parents tonight after work to do laundry, then I'm going back home to pack. I have no idea what I'm going to wear. My dad wants me to bring as small of a suitcase as possible. What?!?! But I pack everything I own just in case! In case it rains, then snows, then turns into an 80 degree day. Anything is possible here in the northeast/midwest. Then after all that, I'm getting up at 5:30 in the morning so that we can leave and be "on the road" (as my dad always says) by 7:00. I should not be at work right now. I have too much to do! Stress!
T wanted to carve pumpkins before this weekend since we won't be home. I'm sad. We ran out of time and now we won't have any cute little jack-o-lanterns on our porches. Actually this will be the fourth time in my life that I've carved a pumpking for Halloween, but I'm sad for T. It's an important part of the season for him. Maybe I'll surprise him with a couple pumpkins tonight (Oh. Oops! Stop reading this T!). I can make time for that.
Oh, and by the way. I saw this on Oh! How Lovely!
Go back to the beginning and read it. DO NOT CHEAT AND READ MORE RECENT BLOGS. Start at the beginning and read to the end. It's spread like wildfire and it's fantastic. You will love it.
Have a great weekend everyone. And a good, safe Halloween. It's supposed to be warmer here. I hope you have good weather where you are!
Oh that's a sigh of relief by the way. My two-ish weeks of stress are OVER! I feel so much better. Here is what I had to endure the last couple of weeks:
Friday, October 17th - Set up stage at church so that it actually looks like a church for a wedding. Get this done between the hours of 5:30 and 7:00 and, oh by the way, we have nothing decent to work with. It all needs to be bought at a store. At least our Pastor went out and bought stuff during the day for me while I was at work. I ran to a store and set aside some fabric for him to buy then got to the church at about 5:30. He bought candles and set out the walls and tables to cover in fabric. The project was not complete until about 9:30.
It turned out pretty well. T and I are being taken to the Olive Garden for our hours of hard labor so that's nice.
Saturday, October 18th - Supposed to go to an outlet mall with H but her husband, D has a bad cold so we all stay home. I stay in bed all day because I feel nauseated. That could have been a nice break but I could only think of all the laundry that wasn't done, the apples that needed to be peeled and made into applesauce, and the jewelry that needs to be made for our annual "Mom's Time Out" Christmas shopping extravaganza. Nothing got done. I didn't even eat until T brought me soup and crackers at 3:00, then we fell asleep, and then I showered at 5:30 so that we could make our movie on time. We saw "W" which was better than I expected. Go see it.
Sunday, October 19th - Remember that I must lead one worship song on stage at church and sing back-up vocals for three others. Go to bed really late Saturday night because I slept all day then get up really early on Sunday and feel sick because I am so nervous. Feel better by noon (when church is over) but exhausted.
Monday, October 20th - Get to class late and realize that everyone was emailed a study guide but me. Who knows why. Maybe it went into my spam folder. Whatever. Just get another copy from the teacher. What the...!?!?! It's three pages of vocabulary words! Do laundry until 2:00 in the morning.
Wednesday, October 22nd - Study for test all day at work. Good thing we aren't busy. At 5:00, punch out and go into kitchen at work to study until 6:30. Memorize all eras, periods, and the epochs for our current era. Remember all types of volcanoes, rock elasticity theory, the difference between an active continental margin and an inactive continental margin, know what a subduction zone is, blah blah blah. Finish test in one hour and float on cloud all the way home. Watch Heroes with T.
Friday, October 24th - Sit in line at the gas station for 20 minutes because gas is now down to $2.20 per gallon. Rush to church to set up the stage for another wedding. After rehearsal, practice the songs we're singing at wedding with J. This is the second practice and it's not going well. After practice, go to T's and immediately fall asleep on his couch for two hours.
Saturday, October 25th - Drag myself out of bed, go to school for two hours. Randomly think of the current event presentation that needs to be made in front of the class in just two short days and freak out. Get ahold of myself. After school, go home and wet hair so that it can be blow dried and straightened. Grab dress, undergarments, shoes, and makeup, and run out of the house to the church. Practice with J for an hour then get dressed. Sing with Justin at wedding, breathe a sigh of relief then go hang out at T's until the reception. Dance the night away.
How cute are they? These are the nieces of the bride also the pastor's two daughters. Yeah, he officiated the wedding of his own sister. It was sweet.
Sunday, October 26th - Sit at salon for 3 1/2 hours while hair is dyed from blonde to deep brown with caramel highlights then trimmed. That was a good day. sorry for the angry face. The sun was in my eyes but I was actually happy. As seen here with T who came with me:
See old me here.
Monday, October 27th - Get paperwork and information together for current event presentation in Geology class. Go to school feeling a little sick, shake uncontrollably in class, feel heart beating out of throat. Make presentation better than any presentation I've ever done in my life. I actually kept everyone's attention and didn't read directly off a paper! I had handouts! They asked questions and I answered! Woo! Receive test back from last Wednesday. I got 104.5%! I only missed two! I got extra credit! Breathe a gigantic sigh of relief, then go home to watch two of the three Desperate Housewives episodes I have missed.
Happy Days are here again! Have a great day everyone!
Friday, October 17th - Set up stage at church so that it actually looks like a church for a wedding. Get this done between the hours of 5:30 and 7:00 and, oh by the way, we have nothing decent to work with. It all needs to be bought at a store. At least our Pastor went out and bought stuff during the day for me while I was at work. I ran to a store and set aside some fabric for him to buy then got to the church at about 5:30. He bought candles and set out the walls and tables to cover in fabric. The project was not complete until about 9:30.
It turned out pretty well. T and I are being taken to the Olive Garden for our hours of hard labor so that's nice.
Saturday, October 18th - Supposed to go to an outlet mall with H but her husband, D has a bad cold so we all stay home. I stay in bed all day because I feel nauseated. That could have been a nice break but I could only think of all the laundry that wasn't done, the apples that needed to be peeled and made into applesauce, and the jewelry that needs to be made for our annual "Mom's Time Out" Christmas shopping extravaganza. Nothing got done. I didn't even eat until T brought me soup and crackers at 3:00, then we fell asleep, and then I showered at 5:30 so that we could make our movie on time. We saw "W" which was better than I expected. Go see it.
Sunday, October 19th - Remember that I must lead one worship song on stage at church and sing back-up vocals for three others. Go to bed really late Saturday night because I slept all day then get up really early on Sunday and feel sick because I am so nervous. Feel better by noon (when church is over) but exhausted.
Monday, October 20th - Get to class late and realize that everyone was emailed a study guide but me. Who knows why. Maybe it went into my spam folder. Whatever. Just get another copy from the teacher. What the...!?!?! It's three pages of vocabulary words! Do laundry until 2:00 in the morning.
Wednesday, October 22nd - Study for test all day at work. Good thing we aren't busy. At 5:00, punch out and go into kitchen at work to study until 6:30. Memorize all eras, periods, and the epochs for our current era. Remember all types of volcanoes, rock elasticity theory, the difference between an active continental margin and an inactive continental margin, know what a subduction zone is, blah blah blah. Finish test in one hour and float on cloud all the way home. Watch Heroes with T.
Friday, October 24th - Sit in line at the gas station for 20 minutes because gas is now down to $2.20 per gallon. Rush to church to set up the stage for another wedding. After rehearsal, practice the songs we're singing at wedding with J. This is the second practice and it's not going well. After practice, go to T's and immediately fall asleep on his couch for two hours.
Saturday, October 25th - Drag myself out of bed, go to school for two hours. Randomly think of the current event presentation that needs to be made in front of the class in just two short days and freak out. Get ahold of myself. After school, go home and wet hair so that it can be blow dried and straightened. Grab dress, undergarments, shoes, and makeup, and run out of the house to the church. Practice with J for an hour then get dressed. Sing with Justin at wedding, breathe a sigh of relief then go hang out at T's until the reception. Dance the night away.
How cute are they? These are the nieces of the bride also the pastor's two daughters. Yeah, he officiated the wedding of his own sister. It was sweet.
Sunday, October 26th - Sit at salon for 3 1/2 hours while hair is dyed from blonde to deep brown with caramel highlights then trimmed. That was a good day. sorry for the angry face. The sun was in my eyes but I was actually happy. As seen here with T who came with me:
See old me here.
Monday, October 27th - Get paperwork and information together for current event presentation in Geology class. Go to school feeling a little sick, shake uncontrollably in class, feel heart beating out of throat. Make presentation better than any presentation I've ever done in my life. I actually kept everyone's attention and didn't read directly off a paper! I had handouts! They asked questions and I answered! Woo! Receive test back from last Wednesday. I got 104.5%! I only missed two! I got extra credit! Breathe a gigantic sigh of relief, then go home to watch two of the three Desperate Housewives episodes I have missed.
Happy Days are here again! Have a great day everyone!
As promised, my test is over and I'm back! My test went much better than I ever thought it would. I was able to successfully name the three eras, 13 periods, and 7 epochs that he wanted us to name. I also drew 3 types of volcanoes, illustrated the rock elasticity theory, and drew a very simplified continent to continent convergent plate. So interesting.
Anyway. On to Coldplay. I'll admit, there are other bands/artists that I had wanted to see before I'd pay to see Coldplay but T has been wanting to see Coldplay in concert since their first album. He was pretty ecstatic and bouncing off the walls the entire time which was cute. I should've taken a picture of him in his delirious state. This is T trying to remain calm
For some reason, on the way there, I felt like we were on a road trip so I started taking pictures of everything. Including these pretty sky and sunsetting pictures.
Once we got to the venue (which was way easy thanks to T's mom's TomTom!! Christmas present?), we walked around and around and back and forth until someone finally told us to get on the elevator and go down a floor. Then we walked down to our floor seats. That was exciting. I hadn't even looked at my ticket until right after we got off the elevator. I had no idea that T had paid for such good seats. We were pretty much right in the center and about this close: Not too bad!
Duffy opened the concert which was pretty earsplitting. I guess she's Number 1 in England? I don't understand that. She was very choreographed and dressed like she was from the 1960's. Her sound is like that, too. I guess her label or whoever is really playing the sexy, 1960's nurse thing up a lot. It was silly, really. Where is the musicianship? Anyway, after we dealt with that, we waited for about a half hour while the stage was set up and the rest of the crowd flooded in. Then the lights went out and Coldplay started. Their energy from the start permeated the room and I already knew that I wouldn't get bored at this concert (which usually happens after 30 minutes). By the second song, they had lowered these giant orbs (which I have been told Conan O'Brien uses) and started flashing light designs all over them. On the third song, the orbs started showing a live feed of the concert. I would like to have these orbs in my living room. The band did about half of their concert, including a techno-y version of "God Put a Smile Upon Your Face" mixed with "Talk" and then said "We'll see you in about 30 seconds!" and ran off the stage. The lights came up and we all stood around playing with our camera phones until someone finally asked, "Did he say 30 seconds or 30 minutes?" As soon as those words were spoken the lights came down again and the spotlight pointed behind us. Somehow, Chris Martin and his crew had gotten up to the second level without anyone noticing. They sang a couple of songs which aren't so memorable to me while being violated by the fans behind them, then got back to the stage with the lights still down. The cell phones of course, came back out:
Coldplay did several more songs, including a really amped up "Politik" preceded by Chris Martin telling us we're the most famous state in the world (Ohio) and asking us to vote for the "right person" (which I'm sure means Obama). Of course they did their big hit "Viva La Vida" and everyone sang the Ooo-ooo-hhh's. During the second to last song, which I didn't know, a snow storm of paper butterflies started spraying out at us. That was probably the most amazing part of the night because I'm that lame. But really, look at this and tell me it's not cool
Then they pretended to say goodnight and go back stage and we pretended to beg for an encore and then they came out and played "Yellow" which I loved. That song is probably my first memory of Coldplay or maybe "Trouble" is because I remember the music video. Either way, wow. Incredible, incredible, incredible. I'd go see them again the next time they come through. I just hope they pick their opening act next time. Duffy and her fake Diana Ross moves just did nothing to complement the energy and rock star attitude that is Coldplay.
I Can See the Light
I'm slowly working my way out of the most stressful two weeks of this semester. I'll be posting again as soon as I'm done with my geology test. It's haunting my every waking and sleeping moment right now.
T and I went to a Coldplay concert last night. All I will say right now is that it was amazing. Completely incredible. Those guys know how to put on a show and win over anyone who goes to see them.
Pictures from that and a real blog coming soon! Wish me luck on my test tonight.
T and I went to a Coldplay concert last night. All I will say right now is that it was amazing. Completely incredible. Those guys know how to put on a show and win over anyone who goes to see them.
Pictures from that and a real blog coming soon! Wish me luck on my test tonight.
Tonight, I'm helping the pastor of our church decorate the stage for a wedding. I've never decorated anything before. It's really a daunting task. I think we came up with a pretty good vision and hopefully he bought enough supplies (since the stuff we had already at our church was hideous) but their rehearsal is tonight at 7:00 and I won't even be able to get to the church until 5:30. The adrenaline will be flowing soon.
Tomorrow, I have class in the morning. An extra long one because we have a tour guide and apparently he needs to talk about whatever he's talking about for three hours! After that though, I'm shopping! My friend, D is going to his college homecoming and his wife, H does not like to hang out with D's friends. I guess his old college pals have a hard time communicating with people about anything other than computers and electronics. ZZZZ. So H and I are going to the shopping outlets near the college to while away our time while D has NerdFest 2008.
Then back to stress. Sunday, I have to be the "worship leader" for one song at church. One measly song. I'm always so afraid that my voice will catch or crack horribly, or that I'll get a scratch in my throat and start choking. It actually makes me sick to my stomach. I just wonder if anyone would notice if something like that happened. Would I be the laughingstock of the church? Because I'm pretty sure that's what I'm picturing in my head.
Monday is test review day for my class and then Wednesday is the very first test of the semester! Our class is over in early December but my teacher wants to have two more tests before that. How? I don't know. His tests have essays. What could I possibly have to say about rocks, tectonic plates, volcanoes, and earthquakes that could take up a couple of paragraphs? I'm concerned.
Then the next Monday, I have to stand up in front of my class with a current event having to do with geology or the earth or whatever. I have to talk in front of people. I'm terrified. I always start out feeling a little sick and then as I hear my voice, I realize that I hate the sound of it so then my face turns red and my voice starts shaking. It's never a good experience.
Who wants to take my place? Anyone have a good stress remedy?
Tomorrow, I have class in the morning. An extra long one because we have a tour guide and apparently he needs to talk about whatever he's talking about for three hours! After that though, I'm shopping! My friend, D is going to his college homecoming and his wife, H does not like to hang out with D's friends. I guess his old college pals have a hard time communicating with people about anything other than computers and electronics. ZZZZ. So H and I are going to the shopping outlets near the college to while away our time while D has NerdFest 2008.
Then back to stress. Sunday, I have to be the "worship leader" for one song at church. One measly song. I'm always so afraid that my voice will catch or crack horribly, or that I'll get a scratch in my throat and start choking. It actually makes me sick to my stomach. I just wonder if anyone would notice if something like that happened. Would I be the laughingstock of the church? Because I'm pretty sure that's what I'm picturing in my head.
Monday is test review day for my class and then Wednesday is the very first test of the semester! Our class is over in early December but my teacher wants to have two more tests before that. How? I don't know. His tests have essays. What could I possibly have to say about rocks, tectonic plates, volcanoes, and earthquakes that could take up a couple of paragraphs? I'm concerned.
Then the next Monday, I have to stand up in front of my class with a current event having to do with geology or the earth or whatever. I have to talk in front of people. I'm terrified. I always start out feeling a little sick and then as I hear my voice, I realize that I hate the sound of it so then my face turns red and my voice starts shaking. It's never a good experience.
Who wants to take my place? Anyone have a good stress remedy?
Will Power!
I just ruined my healthy eating with a big slice of ice cream cake. Someone at work just went to McDonald's and she is now eating the most greasy, cheesy, fabulous looking burger. Mmmmmm...
New Look!
T made me a fantastically wonderful banner to show my blog name in a perfectly frilly font. I love it! Yay for T and his knowledge of computers (I don't even know what program he used because I am THAT computer illiterate)! I decided to start owning this blog of mine and change the banner background and colors every season. The font stays, though. That is all me.
Speaking of fantastic, check this out. I want one for my desk at work.
I froze most of my veggies last night after class. From 9:00 until 11:00 T helped me cut, wash, transfer to boiling water, transfer to ice water, then bag and freeze while we watched the debates on his computer. Exhausting evening. And I still have cauliflower and onions to do. Plus, I still have to make applesauce. I really hope this is worth it or I don't know what I'll do. If I do this again, it'll definitely be a little here and there throughout the whole summer.
I still don't know who to vote for. My republican dad always has me convinced that Obama is the devil and to vote for McCain but then my friends have me convinced that Obama is the savior of the United States and possibly the world. Then I see debates where Obama just makes sense. But what about taxes and our economy? Neither candidate has the answer in my eyes. T and I always fight about this because I think if Obama wants to raise taxes on the wealthiest 5% of the people, won't that STILL be bad for me? That 5% employ us, the little 95%-ers, right? So, raise their taxes and they start laying people off, getting rid of our bonuses, etc., etc., etc. My theory (which I often mistakenly state as fact) is lower everyone's taxes and the economy will take care of itself. That is the only political crap I will spew until someone is elected in November. I try to steer clear of these kinds of topics anywhere I go.
Have a great day everyone. I hope it's a little sunnier where you are. All I see are puffy, gray clouds.
Speaking of fantastic, check this out. I want one for my desk at work.
I froze most of my veggies last night after class. From 9:00 until 11:00 T helped me cut, wash, transfer to boiling water, transfer to ice water, then bag and freeze while we watched the debates on his computer. Exhausting evening. And I still have cauliflower and onions to do. Plus, I still have to make applesauce. I really hope this is worth it or I don't know what I'll do. If I do this again, it'll definitely be a little here and there throughout the whole summer.
I still don't know who to vote for. My republican dad always has me convinced that Obama is the devil and to vote for McCain but then my friends have me convinced that Obama is the savior of the United States and possibly the world. Then I see debates where Obama just makes sense. But what about taxes and our economy? Neither candidate has the answer in my eyes. T and I always fight about this because I think if Obama wants to raise taxes on the wealthiest 5% of the people, won't that STILL be bad for me? That 5% employ us, the little 95%-ers, right? So, raise their taxes and they start laying people off, getting rid of our bonuses, etc., etc., etc. My theory (which I often mistakenly state as fact) is lower everyone's taxes and the economy will take care of itself. That is the only political crap I will spew until someone is elected in November. I try to steer clear of these kinds of topics anywhere I go.
Have a great day everyone. I hope it's a little sunnier where you are. All I see are puffy, gray clouds.
How D'Ya Like Them Apples?
I was so exhausted last week. Maybe because we were slow at work and it made me sleepy. Anyway, I'm back! I had a great weekend which revived my need to write so here I am!
Thursday night a couple girls from work came over and watched "P.S. I Love You" with me. It was such a good movie. I don't know why I waited so long to see it. So the next night, T came over and we watched it together. He even thought it was an awesome movie. If you haven't seen this movie yet, rent it and watch it! It kind of bridges the divide between what guys like and what girls like - much like "The Notebook." And it wasn't a cry fest either so if you're like me and you just don't feel like having a good cry, you can still get this movie. It has a lot of funny parts and only a few heart-string tugging parts. Just an all around great movie.
Saturday, T and I went to an outdoor market and bought lots and lots of veggies. I'm going to start freezing them tonight. Here's my list: 4 pounds of green beans, 2 heads of cauliflower, 5 big beefsteak tomatoes, 3 heads of broccoli (actually from a different farmer's market), 2 bunches of beets (also from a different farmer's market), 4 huge, sweet onions, 4 green peppers, 4 red peppers, 1 pint of red raspberries (because they looked good), and 2 pints of pears (which was about 10 or 12 pears). The grand total? $51.74! If I was to go to a regular grocery store and buy all that, I would have spent over $100! I think I have enough to last me the majority of winter. We'll see.
After the big farmer's market trip, we drop all the produce off and promptly get back in the car to drive about 30 minutes south to an apple orchard. I was told by a co-worker that this particular orchard had the best apple cider in our tri-county area. I have nothing to compare it to, but it's pretty darn good. We drive back to the orchard area, find a parking spot, and then sit there staring confusedly at the rows and rows of apple trees. "We didn't bring any bags," I finally say. "Well, let's just get out and walk around," T offers. So, I leave my camera, my checkbook, and my list of in-season apples in the car, and we walk toward the guy handing out plastic produce bags (so not eco-friendly!). T and I each take one bag and then T asks where I want to start. "Well, I didn't bring my camera or anything. Should I go get it?" I ask. "Why would you leave all that stuff in the car?" he wails. "I just thought you wanted to walk around and check it out first." T looks at me like I'm the biggest moron alive and I realize how stupid my train of thinking is so we trek back to the car and get everything out. Since we're right in front of them, we decide to stop and look at the "U-Pick" Grapes. I make T try one and he agrees only after I've tried one. They were the best grapes I've ever had. A grape that tastes like a grape marker smells! Never knew they existed. We snap a few pictures
(more like 34 pictures of grapes and 12 pictures of T and me) then head over to the apple trees. All I want are Macoun. They are spicy and crunchy and perfect for apple sauce. A little lost and looking for non-existant signs, we pick 14 1/2 pounds of wine sap apples instead (tart and crunchy. Also good for applesauce but I do not like tart apples). We then pick another 13 pounds of apples: golden delicious, more wine sap (oops), and the one Jonathan apple left on a tree. So, after 27 1/2 pounds of apples, 70-ish posed pictures of either T or me picking an apple , 2 bottles of grape juice from a local winery sold in the orchard's store, 1 gallon of apple cider, and at least one bite on my arm -from either a fly or a spider, we are ready to go home. We turn the car around a couple of times to get pictures of the pretty fall leaves and even back up to get a great picture of a little barn amongst a bunch of turning trees (do not attempt backing up on a busy road yourselves. I am very practiced in these death-defying stunts).
True tourists in our own county.
T's parents were camping over the weekend so we stopped by and drank apple cider and grape juice by the fire. I had my last two s'mores for the year. We then went home and collapsed. We love fall.
Today is simply but maybe not so simply titled. What do you think of when I say "love?" I love magazines and beaches and that dress over there. I love my boyfriend. I love my mom and dad. I love traveling and planning events. I love my friends. So many different kinds of love. What kinds of love are in your life? What love are you missing?
I've been reading the Nieniedialogues a lot lately. I read about Stephanie and her husband, Christian's plane crash on another blog a few months ago and started reading Stephanie's blog. I guess I just wanted to know the person for which my heart has been breaking. Lately, fans of Stephanie's blog have been emailing her sister, Jane with their favorite "Nienie" posts. Stephanie is a stay at home mom of four really cute kids. She loves her life, loves being with her husband, loves being with her children, and loves being with her extended family and friends. She makes her children and her husband feel special by making them special meals, baking and making crafts with her kids, occasionally dressing up nice for her husband when he comes home from work, going along with it when one of her kids decides to be a photographer for the day. She loves her life. Of course, there are the days that she is tired or irritated and just needs a little time to herself and therefore will post a blog about locking her kids outside so at least one chore could be accomplished, but the thing that hit me today was in this re-posted blog. Stephanie was simply being part of a family.
Stephanie, her sister Jane, and their brother Andrew have all posted blogs that I have read surrounding their spouses and children. I feel the closeness they all have, the desire to be near each other, the happiness their families give them - all this in just reading about their days. And I realize the love I am missing. My one true desire in life is to be a mom and to have a family. To make my child feel special, loved, and secure. In all the everyday things to show them how to live, how to love, how to maintain close relationships. My goal is to raise a child who would be confident in her or himself and see others as God sees them - not as beneath them or better than them, but as another human creation. The love that I matters most is the love between my God, my someday husband, and our child(ren). The thing I want most in life is to make my family whole.
I want to be the mom who sings her baby to sleep at night, reads her toddler stories, plays silly games, teaches her children to bake and cook, gives them the tools to discover their passions and then the tools to make those passions part of their lives. I want every moment to count. I want to have a family where T is just as involved in our childrens' lives as I am. I want him to know the joy of holding a warm, just-bathed toddler in her towel, or of kissing his rosy-cheeked son goodnight. Roasting marshmallows over a campfire, coloring, frosting cookies, decorating the Christmas tree, watching their delight at brand new experiences that have been so mundane to me for years.
I remember, once, my dad telling me that my mom's main goal in life -since she was a teenager- was to be a mom. At the time, I had no idea why she would make that her focus. Why? When she could have peace and quiet with her husband. When she could have a career, free time to go shopping or out with friends. When there are opportunities to just jump into your car and go where you want to, why saddle yourself with kids? But I get it now. There is nothing more satisfying or happy or sweet as the love and bond between a child and a mother. Nothing better than a contented family simply being - in love.
I've been reading the Nieniedialogues a lot lately. I read about Stephanie and her husband, Christian's plane crash on another blog a few months ago and started reading Stephanie's blog. I guess I just wanted to know the person for which my heart has been breaking. Lately, fans of Stephanie's blog have been emailing her sister, Jane with their favorite "Nienie" posts. Stephanie is a stay at home mom of four really cute kids. She loves her life, loves being with her husband, loves being with her children, and loves being with her extended family and friends. She makes her children and her husband feel special by making them special meals, baking and making crafts with her kids, occasionally dressing up nice for her husband when he comes home from work, going along with it when one of her kids decides to be a photographer for the day. She loves her life. Of course, there are the days that she is tired or irritated and just needs a little time to herself and therefore will post a blog about locking her kids outside so at least one chore could be accomplished, but the thing that hit me today was in this re-posted blog. Stephanie was simply being part of a family.
Stephanie, her sister Jane, and their brother Andrew have all posted blogs that I have read surrounding their spouses and children. I feel the closeness they all have, the desire to be near each other, the happiness their families give them - all this in just reading about their days. And I realize the love I am missing. My one true desire in life is to be a mom and to have a family. To make my child feel special, loved, and secure. In all the everyday things to show them how to live, how to love, how to maintain close relationships. My goal is to raise a child who would be confident in her or himself and see others as God sees them - not as beneath them or better than them, but as another human creation. The love that I matters most is the love between my God, my someday husband, and our child(ren). The thing I want most in life is to make my family whole.
I want to be the mom who sings her baby to sleep at night, reads her toddler stories, plays silly games, teaches her children to bake and cook, gives them the tools to discover their passions and then the tools to make those passions part of their lives. I want every moment to count. I want to have a family where T is just as involved in our childrens' lives as I am. I want him to know the joy of holding a warm, just-bathed toddler in her towel, or of kissing his rosy-cheeked son goodnight. Roasting marshmallows over a campfire, coloring, frosting cookies, decorating the Christmas tree, watching their delight at brand new experiences that have been so mundane to me for years.
I remember, once, my dad telling me that my mom's main goal in life -since she was a teenager- was to be a mom. At the time, I had no idea why she would make that her focus. Why? When she could have peace and quiet with her husband. When she could have a career, free time to go shopping or out with friends. When there are opportunities to just jump into your car and go where you want to, why saddle yourself with kids? But I get it now. There is nothing more satisfying or happy or sweet as the love and bond between a child and a mother. Nothing better than a contented family simply being - in love.
Do a good deed today (and tomorrow and the next day...)
How sad is it when you think of all the animals that get left at an animal shelter only to be uthenized a week later? I could never actually go into an animal shelter to pick out a new furry friend. I'd just want to take them home and rescue them all! Some day, when I'm allowed to have a pet (mean landlord!) and I don't have an allergic roommate, I'll send someone in to a shelter for me to get a doggie that fits my lifestyle (lazy), but until then, what can I possibly do to help the helpless animals?
Well, awareness and education first of all. Don't buy a puppy or other animal just because you see your favorite celebrity carrying one around. An animal is not a fashion accessory. They are living and breathing. They look to you for love and security. Can you give that? If you don't want an animal in your house, messing up your floors and furniture - then I first suggest not getting an animal with legs. Maybe a nice fish will do for you. If you really want a pet, then build a nice, warm house for him or her to spend time in when he or she is outside. If you live in an area where it gets to freezing temperatures, do not leave your pet outside. That is inhumane and anyone who does that should be willing to sleep, eat, and lap frozen water outside with the animal. Make sure you can actually afford a pet before you buy one. If you can't, don't get one. If you get one and later realize that you can't afford it, try to get the animal adopted by a trusted person before just leaving it at an animal shelter. Like I said earlier, there are so many pets there, yours might just get passed over by potential pet owners until it is uthenized. There is only so much room at an animal shelter. Speaking of how much room is at a shelter, I found this post by Robin at A Bird in the Hand.
Go to this site and vote for your local (or favorite) animal shelter. The one with the most votes receives a $25,000 grant. There is a $10,000 grant for the runner-up and many, many grants of $1,000. So get to votin'! Send this to your friends (or post on your blogs) and vote every day. Maybe your local animal shelter can build a bigger space to give the animals a longer chance of survival.
Well, awareness and education first of all. Don't buy a puppy or other animal just because you see your favorite celebrity carrying one around. An animal is not a fashion accessory. They are living and breathing. They look to you for love and security. Can you give that? If you don't want an animal in your house, messing up your floors and furniture - then I first suggest not getting an animal with legs. Maybe a nice fish will do for you. If you really want a pet, then build a nice, warm house for him or her to spend time in when he or she is outside. If you live in an area where it gets to freezing temperatures, do not leave your pet outside. That is inhumane and anyone who does that should be willing to sleep, eat, and lap frozen water outside with the animal. Make sure you can actually afford a pet before you buy one. If you can't, don't get one. If you get one and later realize that you can't afford it, try to get the animal adopted by a trusted person before just leaving it at an animal shelter. Like I said earlier, there are so many pets there, yours might just get passed over by potential pet owners until it is uthenized. There is only so much room at an animal shelter. Speaking of how much room is at a shelter, I found this post by Robin at A Bird in the Hand.
Go to this site and vote for your local (or favorite) animal shelter. The one with the most votes receives a $25,000 grant. There is a $10,000 grant for the runner-up and many, many grants of $1,000. So get to votin'! Send this to your friends (or post on your blogs) and vote every day. Maybe your local animal shelter can build a bigger space to give the animals a longer chance of survival.
Budgets Are Not My Friend
I went out and spent about $200 last night on clothes because I'll be getting a bonus check next Friday. Did I ever stop and think of what bills need to be paid before that check comes next week? No. So now I'm scrambling to make my budget work. I think I figured it out and my checking account will probably not be going into the hole, but whew! that was a scary half hour of my life. My roommate just started a new job and hasn't gotten paid yet so she can't pay me for rent or utilities until tomorrow (hopefully if she actually does get paid tomorrow). Who knew bonus checks could be so bad?
Pictures of my new outfits coming soon. T will be getting a fashion show tonight and I'm going to make him take pictures of me. I love my new fall clothes! They were so worth the budget crisis I'm in. They're exactly what I was picturing when I decided to go shopping. Never underestimate the power of stores like Marshalls, TJ Maxx, and Burlington Coat Factory (they're more than great coats).
Pictures of my new outfits coming soon. T will be getting a fashion show tonight and I'm going to make him take pictures of me. I love my new fall clothes! They were so worth the budget crisis I'm in. They're exactly what I was picturing when I decided to go shopping. Never underestimate the power of stores like Marshalls, TJ Maxx, and Burlington Coat Factory (they're more than great coats).
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